La familia Cactaceae en Argentina: patrones de diversidad y prioridades políticas para su conservación

The Cactaceae family in Argentina: diversity patterns and political priorities for their conservation. In this paper we used species richness and endemism of Argentine cacti to select those provinces with highest priority for the conservation of this plant family in the country. The role of cactus diversity as a surrogate for dicot diversity was further analyzed. Species richness (number of species) and endemism (number of endemic species) were determined for each of the 24 provinces of Argentina. Fifteen provinces were selected as priority based on the number of species and 14 provinces were selected based on the number of endemic species. Salta province presents the highest species richness and endemism. Endemic species are a good surrogate for cactus diversity. Similarly, cactus diversity is a good surrogate for dicot diversity
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