A computational geometric approach for an ensemble-based topological entropy calculation in two and three dimensions

From the stirring of dye in viscous fluids to the availability of essential nutrients spreading over the surface of a pond, nature is rife with examples of mixing in two-dimensional fluids. The long-time exponential growth rate of a thin filament of dye stretched by the fluid is a well-known proxy for the quality of mixing in two dimensions. This growth rate in turn gives a lower bound on the flow's topological entropy, a measure quantifying the complexity of chaotic dynamics. In the real-world study of mixing, topological entropy may be hard to compute; the velocity field may not be known or may be expensive to recover or approximate, thus limiting our knowledge of the governing system and underlying mechanics driving the mixing. Central to this study are two questions: \emph{How can stretching rates in two-dimensional planar flows best be computed using only trajectory data?}, and \emph{Can a method for computing stretching rates in higher dimensions from only trajectory data be developed?}. In this spirit, we introduce the Ensemble-based Topological Entropy Calculation (E-tec), a method to derive a lower-bound on topological entropy that requires only finite number of system trajectories, like those obtained from ocean drifters, and no detailed knowledge of the velocity field. E-tec is demonstrated to be computationally more efficient than other competing methods in two dimensions that accommodate trajectory data. This is accomplished by considering the evolution of a ``rubber band" wrapped around the data points and evolving with their trajectories. E-tec records the growth of this band as the collective motion of trajectories strike, deform, and stretch it. This exponential growth rate acts as a lower bound on the topological entropy. In this manuscript, I demonstrate convergence of E-tec's approximation with respect to both the number of trajectories (ensemble size) and the duration of trajectories in time. Driving the efficiency of E-tec in two dimensions is the use of computational geometry tools. Not only this, by computing stretching rates in this new computational geometry framework, I extend E-tec to three dimensions using two methods. First, I consider a two-dimensional rubber sheet stretched around a collection of points in a three-dimensional flow. Similar to the band-stretching component of two-dimensional E-tec, a three-dimensional triangulation is used to record the growth of the sheet as it is stretched and deformed by points evolving in time. Second, I calculate the growth rates of one-dimensional rubber strings as they are stretched by the edges of this dynamic, moving triangulation.
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