The incredible queen of green: moringa oleifera lam. nutritive value and therpautic potential

Objective: Moringa oleifera, rightly called as miracle tree, is the extensively grown and highly valuable species of the Moringaceae family. The tree has a pantropical distribution with nativity to Indian subcontinent. Nutritionally and therapeutically it is a highly valued plant. Vitamins, proteins, β -carotene, aminoacids and various phenolics such as β-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid, kaempferol, quercetin and zeatin with potential for nutritional and therapeutic applications are enriched in different plant parts. Different plant parts of this plant such as roots, leaves, bark, flowers, fruit immature pods and seeds posseses number of therputic properties such as diuretic,antipyretic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, antitumor, antiulcer, antispasmodic, antidiabetic, cholesterol lowering, hepatoprotective, antimicrobial activities, and are being operational in various traidational medicine system for curing different health problems. Moringa is higly benifitial in depression, malnutrition general weakness,and osteoporosis. The present review is intended to emphasize the phytochemical constitution, traditional medicinal uses along pharmacological properties with the purpose to create public awareness regarding therapeutic and nutritive potential of this multipurpose tree as well as facilitate the pharmacists and urge the researchers to fill the gap by exploring novel therapeutic compounds that will, of course, be in favor of humanity.
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