Spectral domain optical coherence tomographic imaging of geographic atrophy

� BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To compare images of geographic atrophy (GA) obtained using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) with images obtained using fundus autofl uorescence (FAF). � PATIENTS AND METHODS: Five eyes from pa- tients with dry AMD were imaged using SD-OCT and FAF, and the size and shape of the GA were compared. � RESULTS: GA appears bright on SD-OCT com- pared with the surrounding areas with an intact retinal pigment epithelium because of increased refl ectivity from the underlying choroid. SD-OCT and FAF both identi- fi ed GA reproducibly, and measurement of the area of GA is comparable between the two methods with a mean dif- ference of 2.7% of the total area. � CONCLUSION: SD-OCT can identify and quanti- tate areas of GA. The size and shape of these areas corre- late well to the areas of GA seen on autofl uorescence im- ages; however, SD-OCT imaging also provides important cross-sectional anatomic information.
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