Enkapsulasi Untuk Konservasi In Vitro Pimpinella pruatjan Molk. : Efek Cahaya dan Kombinasi Media (Sorbitol-Paklobutrazol)

RETNO AGUSTARINI. (Encapsulation for In vitro Conservation of Pimpinella pruatjan Molk.: Effect of Light and Media Combination (Sorbitol Paklobutrazol)). Under supervision of RITA MEGIA and IRENG DARWATI. Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk.) is an Indonesian indigenous medicinal plant with a high economic value. Its root can be used as an aphrodisiac, diuretic and tonic. Recently its population in natural habitat has extinct because of highly exploitation without any replanting activities. So this species is categorized as an endangered plant. Therefore, special effort is needed to be done to conserve it immediately. Preliminary study has found that purwoceng can be conserved by in vitro minimal growth for 8 months in solid medium. This experiment aimed at finding the best treatment to conserve this species for 8 months storage period with encapsulation and evaluated regenerating ability after storage. In vitro axillary buds without leaves were conserved on encapsulation with DKW medium supplemented with 2.5% sucrose, sorbitol (0,1,2,3,4,5%) and paklobutrazol (0,1,2,3 ppm) combination in two of light conditions (975 lux (high light) and 215 lux (low light)) for two periods of storage (4 and 8 months). Regenerating ability was taken for 3 months on regenerated medium. Genetic character was observed with squash method and physiology character using chlorophyll analysis. The result showed that combination between sorbitol and paklobutrazol can preserve purwoceng for 8 months but regenerating ability decrease by the increase of both sorbitol and paklobutrazol concentration. The best treatment to preserve purwoceng for 8 months was on DKW medium containing 2.5% sucrose, 2% sorbitol and 3 ppm paklobutrazol. During preservation, the culture of this treatment showed slow growth rate, but during regeneration it showed high growth rate.
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