Intra- and Inter-epoch Temporal Context Network (IITNet) for Automatic Sleep Stage Scoring.

This study proposes a novel deep learning model, called IITNet, to learn intra- and inter-epoch temporal contexts from a raw single channel electroencephalogram (EEG) for automatic sleep stage scoring. When sleep experts identify the sleep stage of a 30-second PSG data called an epoch, they investigate the sleep-related events such as sleep spindles, K-complex, and frequency components from local segments of an epoch (sub-epoch) and consider the relations between sleep-related events of successive epochs to follow the transition rules. Inspired by this, IITNet learns how to encode sub-epoch into representative feature via a deep residual network, then captures contextual information in the sequence of representative features via BiLSTM. Thus, IITNet can extract features in sub-epoch level and consider temporal context not only between epochs but also in an epoch. IITNet is an end-to-end architecture and does not need any preprocessing, handcrafted feature design, balanced sampling, pre-training, or fine-tuning. Our model was trained and evaluated in Sleep-EDF and MASS datasets and outperformed other state-of-the-art results on both the datasets with the overall accuracy (ACC) of 84.0% and 86.6%, macro F1-score (MF1) of 77.7 and 80.8, and Cohen's kappa of 0.78 and 0.80 in Sleep-EDF and MASS, respectively.
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