Interviews with Nahid Toubia and Anika Rahman co-authors of "Female Genital Mutilation: a Guide to Laws and Policies Worldwide".

This paper presents an interview with Nahid Toubia and Anika Rahman co-authors of the book “Female Genital Mutilation: a Guide to Laws and Policies Worldwide”. Presented in a questionnaire form both authors answered questions regarding the practice of female circumcision/female genital mutilation (FC/FGM). It is noted that the co-authors believe that FC/FGM is a human rights violation rather than a threat to womens health and a practice that should be eradicated. The co-authors stated that eradication can be achieved only through fundamental change in which laws and policies are important factors in the dynamic of social change. It is the hope of these authors that the laws will empower women and girls and not increase their vulnerability. In view of this the authors recommend that laws be geared toward practitioners and not toward girls and their parents.
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