Szénhidrogének és alkoholok reakciójának katalitikus és felületkémiai vizsgálata = Catalytic and surface science studies related to the reactions of hydrocarbons and alcohols

Tanulmanyoztuk a benzol, metanol, dimetil es dietil eter aromatizaciojat es a metilezeset a ZSM-5 zeolitra ravitt Mo2C, Ga2O3 es ZnO-on. Mindharom anyag hatasosan katalizalta a metanol aromatizaciojat, es a Mo2C/ZSM-5 elősegitette a benzol metilezeset is. Spektroszkopiai modszerekkel feltartuk a zeolit es a Mo2C szerepet. Kiserleteink masik reszeben a hidrogen előallitasara koncentraltunk. Elsődleges celunk a draga platina femeket helyettesitő olcso es stabilis katalizator szintezise volt. Erre a celra legmegfelelőbbnek ismet a Mo2C bizonyult. Amennyiben a Mo2C-t nagy feluletű tobbfalu szen nanocsőre vagy Norit szenre vittuk ra, az alkoholok atalakitasanak iranya megvaltozott: az etanol es metanol aromatizacioja helyett a hidrogen kepződese kerult előterbe. A hidrogen előallitasaval kapcsolatos kutatasi programunk talan egyik legfontosabb eredmenye, hogy a Mo2C/carbon katalizatoron a HCOOH bomlasanak katalizisevel sikerult tiszta, CO mentes hidrogent előallitanunk alacsony hőmersekleten. Parhuzamosan folyo elektron-spektroszkopiai modszerekkel feltartuk a reakciok primer lepeseit es a feluleten kepződő gyokok atalakulasanak iranyat. Elektron- foton- es ion spektroszkopiaval (AES, XPS, LEIS, RAIRS), valamint STM-el tanulmanyoztuk a ketfemes nanoszerkezetek kepződeset es fizikai-kemiai sajatsagait egykristaly titan-dioxid feluleten. Eredmenyeinket 20 nemzetkozi folyoiratban megjelent dolgozatban kozoltuk es azokrol kulonboző nemzetkozi konferenciakon 35 előadast tartottunk. | The adsorption and reaction pathways of methanol, dimethyl and diethyl ethers have been investigated on pure and Mo2C containing ZSM-5. ZSM-5 effectively catalyzed the reaction of all the three compounds above 473 K to yield various olefins and aromatics. Adding Mo2C to the zeolites greatly promoted the formation of aromatics very likely by catalyzing the aromatization of olefins formed in the reaction. Addition of benzene to dimethyl ether markedly increased the formation of toluene, xylene and C9 aromatics on ZSM-5. The enhancement was further increased by ZnO and Mo2C promoters. Extensive research has been carried out recently to develop a procedure for the production of clean hydrogen for fuel cells. Efforts were also made to replace the expensive Pt metals with more effective, stable, and less expensive catalysts. We found that Mo2C when it is prepared on different carbon supports is an effective catalyst for the decomposition of alcohols and ether to give hydrogen. In the case of reforming of HCOOH we achieved to produce H2 free of CO. The adsorption and reaction pathways of above compounds on Mo2C/Mo(100) have been studied by several electron spectroscopic methods. The results helped to establish the mechanism of the catalytic reactions. Detailed spectroscopic experiments were performed concerning the interaction of Au with Rh on TiO2(100). We gave account on our results in 20 papers published in international journals, and presented 35 lectures at various Conferences.
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