Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program Phase 1, Security Management Operational Concept – ICF/Wyoming

The Wyoming Department of Transportation’s (WYDOT) Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot Deployment Program is intended to develop a suite of applications that utilize vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication technology to reduce the impact of adverse weather on truck travel in the I-80 corridor. These applications support a flexible range of services from advisories, roadside alerts, parking notifications and dynamic travel guidance. Information from these applications are made available directly to the equipped fleets or through data connections to fleet management centers (who will then communicate it to their trucks using their own systems). The pilot will be conducted in three Phases. Phase I includes the planning for the CV pilot including the concept of operations development. Phase II is the design, development, and testing phase. Phase III includes a real-world demonstration of the applications developed as part of this pilot. This document presents the Security Management Operating Concept. This document provides guidance material and operating concept in regards to security and privacy for the ICF/Wyoming Deployment Pilot. The document is presented based on identifying the impacts of security breaches regarding confidentiality, integrity, and availability along with the potential threats. Additional security analyses are included to cover V2V security, the Security Credential Management System (SCMS), and CV application security needs. Major challenges such as SCMS integration and security for a complex system of systems are described.
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