Die Zeitschrift Hercynia im digitalen Informationszeitalter

Ozuyaman, S., Bliss, P., Partzsch, M.: The journal Hercynia in the digital Information Age. - Hercynia N. F. 45 (2012): 1 – 7. In the year 2012 important modifications in presentation and outline of the traditional science journal ‘Hercynia’ will take place. It will change from a peer-reviewed print journal to a peer-reviewed E-only journal (Open Access, OA), and the content will be focused on ‘Ecology and Environment in Central Europe’ (minor title). Like some other scientific publications which are managed by the Universitats- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, the E-journal will be integrated into the platform ‘Open Journal Systems’ (OJS) of the PKP Knowledge Project. OJS is a widespread Open-Source Software (OSS) which is actually used by more than 6600 scientific E-journals. This article describes the special mode of the ‘golden’ route OA publishing apparatus. Using this route (and publishing in the new ‘E-Hercynia’) will have certain advantages, e.g. barrier-free access to the articles and better reception of them, good traceability by search engines, higher citation rates, and no additional costs for the authors (no OA publishing fee). Key words: Hercynia, online publishing, Open Access, peer-reviewed E-journal, Open Journal Systems, Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences
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