Origen y estado actual de la flora espermatófita en áreas naturales de cayo Las Brujas, Villa Clara Origin and current status of the spermatophyte flora in natural areas of Las Brujas key, Villa Clara

Based on a critical review of previous work, enriched with records obtained by recent collections, a study of the spermatophyte flora in natural areas of Las Brujas key was carried out, including its probable origin. The flora contains 237 species, the 10.5 % are endemic, and 79.3% have economic value. Bourreria cuneifolia and Scaevola sericea are new records for the Villa Clara province. A considerable floristic similarity was found between Las Brujas key and the territories situated at the east, which shows also a greater influence of eastern Cuba on its origin. Caribbean elements predominated and major relationships were established with Bahamas and Florida. The microphyll evergreen forest contains the highest values of floristic richness and endemism.
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