Hologram reproducing apparatus and a hologram reproduction method

Compact to provide a hologram reproducing apparatus capable. Hologram reproducing apparatus of the present invention, the reference light beam and the signal by irradiating a recording medium and a spatially modulated signal beam in accordance with the coherent reference light beam and the recording information in substantially the same optical axis reproducing the recorded information from the recorded recording medium obtained by recording the area of ​​a diffraction grating by interference with the light beam. The hologram reproducing apparatus includes a light source unit for emitting a coherent light beam, a light beam irradiation unit for irradiating a light beam to a region of the diffraction grating of the recording medium, the light beam of the diffraction grating region diffracted light reproducing light beam reproduced by irradiating a focusing unit for focusing toward the focusing position, from the Fourier 0-order component and the reproduction light beam provided in said population beam position from the reproducing light beam with the incident light processing unit which separates the components, and a detector for detecting the recorded information from the diffraction light components, the.
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