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Introduction to comparative law

Part I A General considerations: the concept of comparative law the functions and aims of comparative law the method of comparative law the history of comparative law. Part I B The legal families of the world: the style of legal families - the romanistic legal family, the history of French law, the spirit and essential features of the code civil, the reception of the code civil courts and lawyers in France and Italy the Germanic legal family - the history of German law, the German civil code, the general civil code of Austria, the Swiss civil code the Anglo-American legal family - the development of the English common law, courts and lawyers in England, the spread of the common law throughout the world, the law of the United States of America, law-finding and procedure in common law and civil law the Nordic legal family - Scandinavian law, past and present law in the Far East Chinese law Japanese Law religious legal systems Islamic law Hindu law. Part II A Contract: the formation of contracts - juristic act, contract, and general conditions of business, contractual capacity, offer and acceptance, illegality and immorality, indicia of seriousness, the construction of contracts, mistake, deceit, and duress, representation, assignment, contracts for the benefit of third parties the performance of contracts - claims to performance and their enforcement, breach of contract, the effect of supervening events. Part II B Unjustified enrichment: unjustified enrichment in general unjustified enrichment specific topics. Part II C Tort: tort in general liability for others strict liability invasions of the right of personality.
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