2000 In de x IEEE Trans ac tions on Sys tems, Man, and Cy ber net ic s Part A: Sys tems and Human s Vol. 3 0

This in dex cov ers all tech ni cal items - pa pers, cor re spon dence, re views, etc. that ap peared in this pe ri od i cal dur ing 2000, and items from pre vi ous years that were com mented upon or cor rected in 2000. De part ments and other items may be also cov ered if they have been judged to have ar chi val value. The Au thor In dex con tains the pri mary en try for each item, listed un der the first au thor’s name. The pri mary en try in cludes the co au thors’ names, the ti tle of the pa per or other item, and its lo ca tion, spec i fied by the pub li ca tion ab bre vi a tion, year, month, and in clu sive pag i na tion. The Sub ject In dex con tains en tries de scrib ing the item un der all ap pro pri ate sub ject head ings, plus the first au thor’s name, the pub li ca tion ab bre vi a tion, month, and year, and in clu sive pages. Sub ject cross-references are in cluded to as sist in find ing items of in ter est. Note that the item ti tle is found only un der the pri mary en try in the Au thor In dex.
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