Penerapan seni bina Istana Lama Seri Menanti dalam reka bentuk bangunan Pejabat Daerah Seremban

The infusion of traditional architectural elements into modern buildings allows us to inherit past architecture for the reference of future generations. This study focuses on buildings designed by architects that applies traditional features. This encompasses regional architecture emphasizing on local elements, environment and weather conditions. Additionally, this study employs a case study method centred upon the Seremban District Office, considering its similarity to that of Seri Menanti Old Palace. An observation method through exploratory study is also adopted to study the design of district offices in other areas of Negeri Sembilan to explore the applications of traditional architecture into its building design. In assessing the application of traditional design on modern buildings, this study examines its building plan, site plan, front view (facade) and its internal layout of the building design. Respective building‟s architects were interviewed to obtain an ideas during the design process of the district office buildings in Seremban, particularly to identify the elements that was most emphasized. Results of the study showed that the site plan design and the front side has an open space area and the symmetrical building plan of the Seri Menanti Ancient Palace are present in the building plan of the Seremban District Office, but differ in terms of material usage and size. A space hierarchy is also evident in its building front design. The elements applied to the building were shape, repetition of columns and windows. There are also similarities in the roof, but the construction has used a combination of new materials. In its interior design, the architect has applied an element of surprise in its central building space by constructing a high ceiling to give the effect of height and proportions echoed by the Seri Menanti Ancient Palace. Results of this study is adopted to prepare a general guideline that may act as a reference to the relevant authorities prior to designing modern buildings applying elements of traditional architecture.
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