[Suggestion to physiological role of the frog tongue off-response to continuous tactile stimulation, from the viewpoint of the response figures].

The responses of the bullfrog lingual surface to continuous tactile flow stimulation for 3 minutes were characterized by a presence of conspicuous off-response. At that time the on-responses of the lingual surface were uniform in shape. The off-responses in the same situation were not uniform but multiform against expectation. These multiform off-responses could be roughly classified into two groups; one was high slender triangular shape resembling phasic response and slightly static response, and the other was low isosceles or ladder shape. The difference of the shape probably indicates the difference in the time series of centripetal input signalling. The tactile off-response on the whole tongue surface could be reconstructed by summing up the off-response on the lingual apex region and that of the radix region. This was one possibility to explain the multiform lingual tactile off-response pattern.
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