FP7-CHEETAH Knowledge Exchange Platform: Results and their Exploitation

FP7-CHEETAH is a combinat ion of a collaborat ive project (CP) and a coordinat ion and support act ion (CSA), receiving funding from the European Union under grant agreement No 609788. The project aims at solving specific R&D issues to overcome fragment at ion of European PV R&D and to accelerate the indust rializat ion of innovat ions by intensifying the collaborat ion between R&D providers and indust ry. This proceeding reports on the st rategy and key tools brought by the CHEETAH project to improve the state of the art in knowledge exchange on PV RTD. It s CHEETAH Knowledge Exchange Plat form (KEP) features a dynamic database, a powerful build-in search engine, the dedicated e-learning plat form for on-line meet ings with internal and external stakeholders, webinars, on-line tests and experiments. The portal profits from the best pract ice in more efficient social and professional networks web portal by represent ing a significant step forward in knowledge exchange for the European photovoltaics community to support t raining, share knowledge and research infrast ructures and foster collaborat ion opportunit ies at EU scale
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