Some similarities of Vâyu in the ancient Indian and Iranian religion books: A focus on Vedas and Avesta

The name of God Vâyu has been mentioned in the Vedas as well as Avesta Book. Vâyu in the Rig Veda is very often associated with Indra and is regarded equally with him, as representing or rulingover the atmosphere.  He won the race for the first draught of Soma Juice andat Indra’s request allowed him to have a quarter of it. The two worlds are said to have generated him for wealth.  He is once spoken of as the son in law of Tavshtri, though his wife’s name is not mentioned.  In the Purusa hymn he is said to have sprung from the breath of world giant.  Vâyu is rarely connected with the Maruts. He is however, once said to have generated them from the wombs of heaven and to be accompanied by them as well as by pusan and Vishvedevas.  His personal attributes are rather indefinite.  He is beautiful and with Indra is spoken of as touching sky, swift as thought, and thousand-eyed.  He is once said to have roaring velocity.  Vâyu has a shining car drawn by a team bya pair of red (rohita) or raddy (aruna) steeds. Vâyu in the Avesta Bookis Vayu (with the short vowel  a) and it is the god of wind.  This name has been also applied as Veyu, Vâyu, Vay and Andarvây in the pahlavi  Book. Vaya in Avesta is the name of wind element as well as god of wind.  In fact Vayuis beside of water, fire and earth to complete the four elements. One Yasht of Avesta Book namely Râm Yasht is in praise of Vayu. According to details of this Yashts, Vayu is the space which is connected to the paradise world fromabove and to the dark world from dawn, viz Vayu is the space which separates the creation of holy wisdom (Ahuramzda)from bad and dirty creation. Therefore, in Avest Book, there are two fold Vayu, first, a god, who protects the pure and useful air and The Second, the demon who is the source of impure and prejudicial air. In Avesta Book, on the top of worshippers first Ahuramazda and then many great persons among them kings, heroes, invoked the god Vayu, and offer up him a sacrifice and bagged some boons. He granted their boons. Sometimes some of the Ahriman creation also offers up a sacrifice for Vayu and bagged someboons but they are not granted by him. There are some similarity and difference between Vâyu in Vedas and Vayu in the Avesta book.
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