La bibliografía gimnástica extranjera en el proceso de institucionalización de la educación física española del siglo XIX (1807-1883). Traducciones y adaptaciones

In the so-called institutionalisation process of Spanish physical education the scant bibliography produced about the subject generated the need to cover the documentary gap with contributions from elsewhere. During that period the inclusion of Spanish by foreign authors and Works enriched the educational and scientific-technical bibliography on gymnastics and physical education. Looking at this topic, our object of study is to present, consider, interpret and evaluate the production of this bibliography in the abovementioned period. We use a historical-documentary methodology with the support of heuristic techniques, review of previous studies and hermeneutics as a critical resource for the objects of our study. Our conclusion is that while there was very Little foreign bibliography on gymnastic published in Spanish, its repercussion was extraordinary in providing the foundation and cohesion for the ideological framework on the weak institutionalisation of Spanish physical education in the nineteenth century.
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