Validation of a Diagnostic Protocol for the Detection of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. albedinis, the Causal Agent of Bayoud Disease of Date Palm

The recommended EPPO diagnostic protocol for detection and identification of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. albedinis (FOA), the causal agent of Bayoud disease of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) was validated under Egyptian laboratory conditions. The validation process was carried out in The Plant Quarantine Pathogens Laboratory (PQPL), Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center (ARC). The performance criteria were assessed for the conventional PCR methods and recommend by EPPO as PM 7/16(1) (2002, 2009). The sensitivity, specificity, repeatability, and reproducibility of the method were tested for different concentrations of pure culture of FOA. The method was proved to be unambiguously specific to detect FOA. The limit of detection (LOD) of the method was 1ng µl-1 and 100% reproducibility and repeatability were also achieved. Moreover, the validated method was then implemented for testing date palm samples presenting lots of imported planting materials (43 samples) from different origins in addition to different samples collected from domestic plantations (14 samples) presenting different locations in Egypt. Although F. oxysporum was isolated from most of the tested samples but the presence of FOA in all samples was nil.
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