Orientation of emitting dipoles of chlorophyll A in thylakoids: considerations on the orientation factor in vivo

Orientation angles of five emitting dipoles of chlorophyll a in thylakoids were estimated from low temperature fluorescence polarization ratio spectra of magnetically oriented chloroplasts. A simple expression is given also for the evaluation of data from linear dichroism measurements. It is shown that the Qy dipoles of chlorophylls lie more in the plane of the membranes and span a larger angular interval than was previously thought. Values for the orientation factor are calculated using various models corresponding to different degrees of local order of the Qy dipoles of chlorophylls in the thylakoid. We show that the characteristic orientation pattern of the Qy dipoles of chlorophylls in the membrane, i.e., increasing dichroism toward longer wavelengths, may favour energy transfer between the antenna chlorophylls as well as funnel the excitation energy into the reaction centers.
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