Breve bosquejo histórico del Museo de Nerja

espanolPese a su corta historia, el Museo de Nerja ha pasado por diferentes manos y se ha visto y se ve sujeto a cambios y modificaciones que tratan de mejorar algunos desajustes que muestra desde su apertura. El Museo surge por impulso de la cueva de Nerja, para dotarse de un equipamiento expositivo, asi como de infraestructura adecuada para conservar las colecciones procedentes de la cueva. No obstante, se convirtio en origen en una fantastica via para explicar el rico patrimonio nerjeno y su larga historia. De esta manera, bajo el lema representativo de un lugar de acogida que ahora hace alusion al impacto del fenomeno turistico, se presenta la importancia, no solo de la cueva de Nerja, sino de las defensas medievales y postmedievales que articulan el poblamiento, o industrias como la azucarera, que nos deja la herencia de un paisaje agrario unico. EnglishDespite the short history of the Museo de Nerja, it has been managed by several hands. It has been and still actually is subject of changes and modifications that seek to improve some mismatches that have existed since its opening. The Museum arises from the impulse of the Nerja Cave, to provide an exhibition equipment and infrastructure to maintain the collections from the cave. However, since the beginning it has been a fantastic way to explain the rich Nerja patrimony and its long history. Thus, under the representative slogan of a welcoming place which now refers to the importance of the tourism phenomenon, not only the Nerja Cave is highlighted, but also the medieval defences and post-medieval too, which articulate the settlement or industries such as the sugar factory, leaving us the legacy of a unique agricultural landscape.
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