Immunotropic Effects in Cultured Human Blood 4 Mononuclear Cells Pre-exposed to Low-level 1300 Mhz

The samples of mononuclear cells isolated from peripheral blood of healthy donors 13 (N = 16) were exposed to 1300 MHz pulse-modulated microwaves at 330 pps with 14 5 ms pulse width. The samples were exposed in an anechoic chamber at the average 15 value of power density of S = 10 W/m 2 (1 mW/cm 2 ). The average specific absorption 16 rate (SAR) was measured in rectangular waveguide and the value of SAR = 0.18 W/ 17 kg was recorded. Subsequently, the exposed and control cells were assessed in the 18 microculture system for several parameters characterizing their proliferative and 19 immunoregulatory properties. Although the irradiation decreased the spontaneous 20 incorporation of 3H-thymidine, the proliferative response of lymphocytes to PHA and 21 to Con A as well as the T-cell suppressive activity (SAT index) and the saturation of 22 IL-2 receptors did not change. Nevertheless, the lymphocyte production of interleukin 23 (IL)-10 increased (P < .001) and the concentration of IFNg remained unchanged or 24 slightly decreased in the culture supernatants. Concomitantly, the microwave 25 irradiation modulated the monokine production by monocytes. The production of 26 IL-1b increased significantly (P < .01), the concentration of its antagonist (IL-1ra)
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