GALFIT-CORSAIR: Implementing the Core-Sérsic Model Into GALFIT

We introduce GALFIT-CORSAIR: a publicly available, fully retro-compatible modification of the two-dimensional (2D) fitting software GALFIT (ver. 3), which adds an implementation of the core-Sersic model. We demonstrate the software by fitting the images of NGC 5557 and NGC 5813, which have been previously identified as core-Sersic galaxies by their one-dimensional radial light profiles. These two examples are representative of different dust obscuration conditions, and of bulge/disk decomposition. To perform the analysis, we obtained deep Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA) mosaics in the F555W filter (~V band). We successfully reproduce the results of the previous one-dimensional analysis, modulo the intrinsic differences between the one-dimensional and the 2D fitting procedures. The code and the analysis procedure described here have been developed for the first coherent 2D analysis of a sample of core-Sersic galaxies, which will be presented in a forthcoming paper. As the 2D analysis provides better constraining on multicomponent fitting, and is fully seeing-corrected, it will yield complementary constraints on the missing mass in depleted galaxy cores.
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