Fatal infections in andrology. Atypical clinical presentation of a Fournier's disease.

BACKGROUND Fournier disease (FD) is a worrisome infection of genital area caused by a polimicrobial infection and characterized by a rapid progression to necrosis. Scrotum, perineum and lower abdomen represent the primary sites of origin. Clinical presentation and laboratory strongly suggest FD, but if not precociously diagnosed, it may quickly evolve into septic syndrome and patient's death. CASE REPORT A 62 years old Caucasian male presented for fever and penile gross oedema recently occurred. No history of previous urinary tract infection, hematuria or genital trauma was referred. He did not complain any storage or voiding low urinary tract symptom (LUTS); no foci of infection in genitoperineal area was observed nor urethral discharge. The ultrasound (US) revealed a disomogeneous broad thickening of subcutaneous tissues with increased vascularity on Color-Doppler. When the penis was manipulated in order to reduce oedema, retract foreskin and evaluate the glans, clinical parametres rapidly worsened and the patient developed a septic shock with blood pressure falling down, dyspnoea and tachyarrhythmia, and he was fastly sent to Intensive Care Unit where it has been hemodynamically stabilized and subjected to antibiotic therapy. Considering the clinical absence of gangrene's foci, we opted for a conservative treatment by maintaining bladder catheter and drug therapy.
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