Оценка экономической доступности комбинированных средств для циклической заместительной гормональной терапии в пре – и перименопаузе

Hormone replacement therapy must be effective not only in terms of clinical indicators, but also economically justified for the patients. The main function of the economic analysis is to compare the effectiveness of treatment and its costs. The study assessed the availability of combined hormone replacement therapy for menopausal status of women in pre-and perimenopausal. It was found that in premenopausal and perimenopausal period the drugs of choice are the combined means for the treatment of cyclic two-phase and three phase, the most available drug for cyclic hormone replacement therapy is Trisequens, and the least available climate. The availability of combined drugs containing anti-androgens and progestogens today, for women with incomes below the average is low.
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