Loss-of-primary-flow-without-scram tests: Pretest predictions and preliminary results

Abstract A series of tests in the Experimental Breeder Reactor No. 2 (EBR-II) has been concluded that investigated the effects of a complete loss of primary flow without scram. The development and preliminary study of these events is first discussed, including the test limits and controlling parameters. The results of two of the tests, SHRT 39 and 45, are examined in detail, although a compact summary of all the tests is included. The success in meeting the objectives of the test program served to verify that natural processes will shut down the reactor and maintain adequate cooling without control rod or operator intervention. The good comparison between predicted and measured results confirms that such events can be analyzed without elaborate codes if the basic processes are understood. Furthermore, recent studies suggest that the EBR-II results are characteristic of new innovative LMR designs being pursued in the U.S. that incorporate metallic driver fuel.
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