Importance of Ayurvedic Dietetics – A Review

Aahar also referred to as food or diet is our basic requirement in life. It provides nourishment to body and is responsible for growth and development of body tissues and performing various actions throughout our life. In ayurvedic texts pathyahar is advised in almost all diseases as it plays important role in its management. Panchbhautik siddhant of ayurved explains the presence of panchmahabhoot in universe and in body formation. Consuming pathyahar promotes health whereas apathyahar is responsible for health disorders. Therefore ayurved lays too much importance on aahar as it forms the basis of life. Ayurved gives detail description on types of aahar, classification of aahar dravya, rules of aahar preparation and consumption and its importance in maintaining overall health. According to ayurved a balance state of dosha, agni, mala results in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing which is termed as health and so is WHO’s definition of health that health is a state of physical, social, mental and spiritual wellbeing and not merely absence of disease. Adoption of sedentary lifestyle, lack of knowledge and attraction towards fast food has led to lack of nutrition and made way to various lifestyle disorders. Mention of ashtaaharvidhivisheshayatan explains about properties of food, their right combination, time when it should be consumed etc. which gives answer to all the which, what, why, when and how to consume food to remain healthy. So a proper knowledge of these factors is important to remain disease free. This article focuses on the basics of diet as per ayurvedic view.
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