Violencia intra/extra-familiar en personas mayores

This article is based on a broader research project whose ideas were exposed at the 27th International Congress of Social Pedagogy. The institutionalization of caring for the elderly dependent people should help to the decrease of the cases of violence in their environment, to the increase of their personal autonomy, to their participation in the society, to the promotion of the balance and of the well-being in the relation among the major person and their keepers. Nevertheless, the practice shows appearance of new manifestations of violence, derivatives of different hierarchies of the power between the carer and the dependent, native and immigrant woman, direct relative and carer assistant employed economic level. This study tries to visualize the manifestations of violence, incident, typology and degree of their self-perception of elderly people, in order to achieve an external carer of the personal education and in their residence. The quantitative information obtained was analyzed by the program SPSS whereas the qualitative ones were carried out with the program Atlas.ti. As a future projection, we propose to design specific materials for the delivery in the care service for the elderly, workshops about education on the prevention, mediation and transformation of interpersonal and interfamilial conflicts.
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