A method for detecting a resistance element of a gas concentration sensor

A method for detecting a resistance element of a gas concentration sensor (30) for producing a current signal proportional to a detected gas concentration in the exhaust gas of a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine, comprising the steps of: Detecting a gas concentration using a sensor (30) during a Gaserfassungszyklusses (t2), selectively changing a supplied to the sensor (30) voltage during a Sensorwiderstandserfassungszyklusses (t2), Detecting a current change in the sensor (30) as a result of the step of selectively changing a voltage, Detecting a resistance of the sensor (30) on the basis of the step of detecting a change in current, Controlling the timing of the steps of detecting a gas concentration, and selectively changing a voltage such that the step of selectively changing a voltage asynchronously to the step of detecting a gas takes place, and such that the Sensor resistance detection cycle more than one time is synchronized with the exhaust cycle of a specific cylinder during a Maschinenzundzyklusses in the multi-cylinder internal combustion engine.
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