Psychological outcome of COVID-19 pandemic. How can we prepare for a psychodemic crisis?/ A COVID-19-pandémia mentálhigiénés következményei. Hogyan tudunk felkészülni a pszichodémiás krízisre?

Osszefoglalo. Az elmult honapokban eletunket alapvetoen megvaltoztatta a COVID-19-pandemia, melynek egeszsegugyi, gazdasagi es tarsadalmi hatasai egyelore szinte felbecsulhetetlenek. A virusfertozes akut kovetkezmenyei mellett egyre tobb adat bizonyitja a teljes nepessegre kifejtett hatasait: a pszichologiai distressz, a depresszios es szorongasos tunetek, valamint az addiktiv viselkedesformak gyakorisaganak novekedeset. Az is nagyon fontos kerdes, hogy a globalis valsaghelyzet hogyan befolyasolja az ongyilkossagi aranyszamokat. Irasomban az elmult idoszak legjelentosebb pszichiatriai szakirodalma alapjan foglalom ossze a virusfertozes akut es kronikus hatasait, valamint a jarvanyhelyzet altalanos es specifikus pszichologiai-pszichopatologiai kovetkezmenyeit, kiemelt figyelmet forditva a suicidiumrizikora es a leginkabb veszelyeztetett csoportokra. A vizsgalatok arra utalnak, hogy a pandemia kovetkezteben kialakulo mentalis gondok es a suicid viselkedes egyre fontosabb nepegeszsegugyi problemava valnak. Bar napjainkban meg a virusfertozottek gyogyitasa es a fertozes terjedesenek lassitasa a legfontosabb cel, mindannyiunknak fel kell keszulnunk a jarvany hosszu tavu kovetkezmenyeire. A pandemia varhato negativ mentalhigienes hatasainak megelozesere es enyhitesere altalanos es specifikus modszerek kidolgozasa es alkalmazasa szukseges. Ebben az egeszsegugyi, mentalhigienes es kozossegi ellatorendszerek mellett szerepet kell vallalniuk a politikai es gazdasagi donteshozoknak, a tarsadalmi szervezeteknek es a media munkatarsainak is. Hatekony egyuttmukodesuk kulcsfontossagu az egyeni, kozossegi es tarsadalmi szinten is alkalmazhato prevencios strategiak megvalositasaban, hiszen csak igy valik lehetove a sulyosabb mentalhigienes problemak jarvanyszeru elterjedesenek, a "pszichodemianak" a megelozese. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(10): 366-374. Summary. In recent months, our lives have been fundamentally changed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the health, economic, and social impacts of which are almost invaluable for the time being. In addition to the acute consequences of viral infection, more and more data are proving its effects on the entire population: an increase in the incidence of psychological distress, depressive and anxiety symptoms, and addictive behaviours. It is also a very important question, how the global crisis is affecting suicide rates. In my paper, I summarize the acute and chronic effects of viral infection and the general and specific psychological-psychopathological consequences of the epidemic based on the most significant psychiatric literature of the recent period, paying special attention to suicidal risk and the most vulnerable groups. Studies suggest that mental troubles and suicidal behaviour resulting from a pandemic are becoming an increasingly important public health problem. Although the treatment of viral infections and slowing the spread of the infection are still the most important goals today, we all need to be prepared for the long-term consequences of the epidemic. In order to prevent and mitigate the expected negative mental health effects of a pandemic, it is necessary to develop and apply general and specific methods. In addition to health care, mental health and community care systems, political and economic decision-makers, civil society organizations and the media must also play a role. Their effective cooperation is key to the implementation of prevention strategies that can be applied at the individual, community and social levels, as this is the only way to prevent the epidemic spread of more serious mental health problems, the "psychodemia". Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(10): 366-374.
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