Gα i Proteins are Indispensable for Hearing

We thank Renate Riehle for excellent assistance, the personnel of the Bordeaux Imaging Center (BIC, a service unit of the CNRS-INSERM & Bordeaux Univ., supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR-10-INSB-04, “Investments for the Future”), and the LabEX BRAIN ANR-10-LABX-43. This study was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (KN316/4-1, and KN316/12-1 to MK; FOR 729, project A2, SFB 612, project A8, and Nu53/13-1 to BN; FOR 729, project A6 to KP), from DAAD (Project ID 57390169) to BN, ICePhA grant (Z project: ICePhA mouse clinic) to BN, the Hahn Stiftung (Index AG), the INSERM and the ANR GHearAct (ANR-14-CE13-0013-01) to MM, and the Intramural Research Program of the NIH (project Z01-ES-101643) to LB. B.N. conceived the project; S.B.-H., M.K., M.M., B.N., L.R. coordinated the study and designed research; S.B.-H., K.B., C.C., A.F., I.G., C.H., S.C.L., V.L., M.M., S.M., A.N., K.N., R.P.P, L.R. performed research; K.P., L.B., T.S. contributed reagents; S.B.-H., S.C.L., C.C., A.F., I.G., M.K., V.L., M.M., B.N., R.P.P, L.R. analyzed data; S.B.-H., I.G., M.K., V.L., M.M., B.N., L.R., T.S., W.S., U.Z. wrote the paper.
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