Main Initiatives to Safeguard Cyberspace Sovereignty

On December 27, 2016, the Central Network Security and Information Leading Group Office issued a “National Cyberspace Security Strategy”. Its strategic objectives are: “with the overall national security view as guidance, implement the innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development concept, strengthen risk consciousness and crisis consciousness, comprehensively handle both domestic and foreign large pictures, comprehensively plan the development of the two great matters of security [internal and external security], defend vigorously, respond effectively, promote peace, security, openness, cooperation and order in cyberspace, safeguard the interests of national sovereignty, security and development, and realize the objective of building a strong cyber power”; its basic principles are: “respecting and protecting sovereignty in cyberspace, peaceful use of cyberspace, Governing cyberspace according to the laws, and comprehensively manage cybersecurity and development”; its strategic tasks are: “Resolutely defending sovereignty in cyberspace; Resolutely safeguard national security; Protect critical information infrastructure; Strengthening the construction of online culture; Attacking cyber terrorism, law-breaking and crime; Perfect network governance systems; Ramming cybersecurity foundation, Enhancing cyberspace protection capabilities; Strengthening international cooperation in cyberspace”.
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