Buğdayda Farklı Ekim Zamanı ve Ekim Sıklığının Yabancı Otlara Etkisi / The Effects of Different Sowing Time and Seeding Rates on Weeds in Wheat

Erzurum’da yaygin olarak yetistirilen alternatif karakterli Kirik bugday cesidinin kullanildigi arastirmada uygulama olarak ekim zamani (kislik, dondurma ve yazlik ekim) ve ekim sikligi (325, 375, 425, 475, 425, 575 ve 625 tohum/m2) kullanilmistir. Calisma sonucunda elde edilen verilere gore farkli ekim sikliklarinin yabanci ot yogunlugu uzerine her iki yilda da etkisinin onemli olmadigi, ancak ekim zamaninin ise yabanci ot yogunlugu uzerine onemli derecede etkili oldugu belirlenmistir. Her iki yilda da (2002/2003 ve 2003/2004) yabanci ot yogunlugu en fazla yazlik ekimde gorulmus bunu sirasiyla dondurma ve kislik ekim izlemistir. Yabanci ot kuru agirligi, ekim sikligi ve ekim zamani acisindan onemli farkliliklar gostermistir. 2002/2003 vejetasyon doneminde yabanci ot kuru agirligi en fazla en dusuk ekim sikligi olan 325 adet/m2’de tespit edilirken en dusuk kuru agirlik ise ekim sikligi en yuksek olan 625 adet/m2’de saptanmistir. 2003/2004 vejetasyon doneminde en fazla yabanci ot kuru agirligi en dusuk ekim sikliginda, en dusuk ise 475 adet/m2’de belirlenmistir. Iki vejetasyon donemlerinin ortalamasinda da en fazla yabanci ot kuru agirligi en dusuk ekim sikliginda bulunurken, en az yabanci ot kuru agirligi da sik ekimde bulunmustur. Ekim zamanina bagli olarak yabanci ot kuru agirliklari arasinda da onemli farklarin oldugu yapilan istatistik analizler sonucunda ortaya konulmustur. Iki vejetasyon doneminde de en fazla yabanci ot kuru agirligi yazlik ekimde belirlenmis olup bunu sirasiyla dondurma ve kislik ekim takip etmistir. This research carried out effects of different sowing times and seeding rates of wheat on weed density.  The cultivar Kirik, the most common facultative variety of Erzurum in Turkey, was used. The treatments were sowing times (Winter, Freezing and Spring sowing) and seeding rates (325, 375, 425, 475, 525, 575 and 625 viable seeds m-2). The effect of different seeding rate on weed density was not significant while the effect of sowing time was considerably significant in both years. The highest weed density was observed in spring sowing in both years (2002/2003 and 2003/2004), and followed by freezing and winter sowings respectively. Dry weight of weeds showed significant differences in seeding rates and sowing time. The highest dry weight of weed was determined in the lowest seeding rate which is 325 viable seeds per m2 while the lowest dry weight of weed was determined in seeding rate of 625 viable seeds per m2 during the vegetation period of 2002/2003. In the vegetation period of 2003/2004, the highest dry weight of weed was also determined in seeding rate of 475 viable seeds per m2. On the other hand, the highest dry weight of weed was found in the lowest seeding rate while the lowest dry weight was found in the highest seeding rate based on the mean of two years. There were significant differences between dry weight of weeds according to the sowing time. The highest dry weight was found in spring sowing followed by freezing and winter sowings followed this treatment, respectively.
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