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O hidroxeodía en Galicia

EnglishThe Hidrogeodia (hydrogeoday) is an activity for the dissemination of hydrogeology and the hydrogeologist profession organized simultaneously in up to 20 Spanish provinces by local entities in collaboration with the Spanish Group of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (AIH-GE) and the Spanish Geological and Mining Institute (IGME). The activity consists of a hydrogeological journey for any kind of public, visiting some area which illustrates the relevance of groundwater on the ecosystems and the hydrogeological techniques to identify and deal with groundwater scarcity or pollution issues. The AQUATERRA research team of the University of A Coruna have organized the activity in Galicia for the last three years in collaboration with other entities. In 2017 and 2018, it consisted of a visit to Abegondo (A Coruna) introducing the hydrogeology of the area and presenting the demonstrative actions of rural water supplies design and maintenance and appropriate well construction. In 2019, an introductory talk to hydrogeology was given to the boards of directors of the rural water supplies of Pontevedra and the springs of the rural supply of Tomino (Pontevedra) were visited. This dissemination activity has been a growing success in the last years and it is being very satisfying for the attendees and the organization. galegoO Hidroxeodia e unha xornada de divulgacion da hidroxeoloxia e da profesion do hidroxeologo organizada simultaneamente en hasta 20 provincias espanolas por entidades locais coa colaboracion do Grupo Espanol da Asociacion Internacional de Hidrogeologos (AIH-GE) e do Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana (IGME). A actividade consiste nunha excursion ou itinerario hidroxeoloxico no que pode participar todo tipo de publico, visitando algunha zona que mostre o papel das augas subterraneas e a necesidade de aplicar tecnicas hidroxeoloxicas para diagnosticar e corrixir problemas. O grupo de investigacion AQUATERRA da Universidade da Coruna organizou a xornada en Galicia durante os tres ultimos anos coa colaboracion doutras entidades. En 2017 e 2018 a xornada consistiu nun recorrido polo Concello de Abegondo (A Coruna) no que se presentou a hidroxeoloxia da zona e as accions demostrativas de deseno e mantemento das traidas vecinais e construcion axeitada de pozos. En 2019, impartiuse unha formacion basica en hidroxeoloxia dirixida as xuntas de augas das traidas vecinais da provincia de Pontevedra e realizouse unha visita aos mananciais das traidas do Concello de Tomino (Pontevedra). A actividade tivo un exito crecente nos ultimos anos e esta a resultar moi satisfactoria para os participantes e a organizacion.
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