La naturaleza de la empresa familiar y su continuidad

espanolLa empresa familiar representa el nucleo empresarial en nuestro entorno; el desarrollo economico y social viene ligado a su nacimiento, evolucion y continuidad:conforman,en terminos de productividad, magnitudes economicas y empleo,el tejido empresarial al mismo tiempo que contribuyen al mantenimiento del nivel de cohesion social de forma significativa. No se trata solo de pequenas y medianas empresas; el 20% de las 1000 mayores companias de Espana son familiares. Sin embargo, muestran bajos indices de longevidad y mantienen tasas de mortandad elevadas. En el presente articulo se revisa su naturaleza y se examinan los problemas fundamentales que se plantean para su continuidad ilustrando conceptos fundamentales a considerar en este proceso sucesorio. EnglishFamily business represents the core of their environment; economic and social development are intimately linked to its birth, evolution and continuity: they conform in terms of productivity, economic magnitudes and employment, as well as significantly contributing to maintaining social cohesion. The authors are not talking here merely of small and medium-sized business: 20% of Spain's 1000 largest companies are family business. However, their longevity indices are low and their disappearance rates are high. This article reviews the nature of family business and examines the fundamental problems that arise in relation to its continuity, illustrating basis concepts considered in this process of succession.
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