Reproductive biology of Bryconamericus stramineus Eigenmann, 1908 (Ostariophysi: Characidae) from the Rio Ibicuí, RS, Brazil

Reproduction of Bryconamericus stramineus was described based on the analysis of 208 females and 166 males collected monthly in the Rio Ibicui, from April 200 1 through March 2002. Reproduction occurred between September and December, with a lower peak in Februa ry. The mean absolute fecundity was 371.3 ( 244.6) oocytes and the mean relative fecundity was 0.35 ( 0.08) oocytes/mg of total weight and the fish was a multiple spawner. A weak correlation between GSI of males and day lengt h was observed. Other parameters (stomach repletion and hepatosomatic index, rainfall and temperature) did not show any correlation with GSI. However, some of these factors might act as “starters” of gonadal maturati on. The presence and frequency of fin ray hooks on the males was compared with the gonadal maturation stages, mo nths and standard length classes. Well-developed ho oks were found mainly in the mature males during the reprodu ctive period and in the largest individuals.
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