The Mental Virus and Enhancing Immunity through Art

Creative Arts Educ Ther (2020) 6(1):23–29 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2020/6/9 The Mental Virus and Enhancing Immunity through Art 精神病毒及通过艺术增强免疫力 Abstract This article talks about how words and text are a kind of artificial virus similar to biological viruses. The survival, growth and evolution of this artificial virus and its mechanism of harm to humans are very similar to biological viruses. What is different is how this mental virus threatens people’s lives and health is not through the body but through the mind. Regarding mental threat, the author believes that human Self-nature should be fully mobilized to enhance the immunity of human spirit, and art is an ideal way to mobilize human beings’ nature of Self. In addition, the author also believes people can also use this kind of mental virus reasonably, so that it can become a mental vaccine to prevent the human mind from being violated. Keywords: mental virus, words, Self, outsider art 摘要 《精神病毒的幻象》是将文字视为一种类似于生物病毒的一种人造病毒,这种人造病毒的存活、生长和进化方式,以及对人构成伤害的机制与生物病毒都极为相似。有所不同的是,这种精神病毒威胁人生命健康的不是人的肉体而是人的精神健康。对于精神上的威胁,作者认为应该充分调动人的自性来增强人精神的免疫能力,而艺术正是调动人自性的一种理想的方式方法。另外,作者也认为对于这种精神病毒,人们也可以通过合理的应用,从而使它成为一种预防人精神受到侵害的精神疫苗。 关键词:精神病毒,文字,自性,原生艺术
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