The high energy spherical grating monochromator−A new source of soft x rays at Daresbury (abstract)

In this article we report the characteristics of the new High Energy Spherical Grating Monochromator beam line on the SRS. The instrument, which has no entrance slit, was designed to provide high photon flux with small spot size, in the energy range covering the 1s binding energies of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine. Radiation from a bending magnet is horizontally focused onto the exit slit by a long, Pt‐coated meridian cylinder (R=299 m, 2 mrad horiz. aperture, 2° glancing angle). The light is vertically diffracted and focused by one of three interchangeable spherical gratings (1050, 1500, and 1800 lines mm−1) operating in negative order. Finally, the light is refocused by an ellipsoidal mirror. The photon flux, determined with copper and carbon photocathodes, is presented for the three gratings. Useful flux is obtained in the range 250–1200 eV, with intensity maxima for each grating at 600, 700, and 800 eV of 11, 9, and 5×1010 photons s−1 per 100‐mA stored beam into a band pass of 0.05%. The infl...
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