Local structure of silicon films and silicon carbide by surface extended energy loss fine structure

Surface extended energy loss fine structure (SEELFS) has been shown to yield nearest neighbor coordination and bond length for carbon in different structural forms. A standard Auger electron spectrometer(double pass cylindrical mirror analyzer) is used to obtain energy loss spectra in the laboratory. Preliminary work on diamond, graphite and ‘‘Aquadag’’ using spectra in the second derivative mode is now extended to silicon and α‐ and β‐silicon carbide. Silicon has been used as reference for phase and amplitude in the bond length and coordination determination of β‐silicon carbide. β‐SiC has been used as a standard for α‐SiC. The coordination and radius determined agree with known values to within uncertainties estimated. The uncertainties in the determination of bond length and coordination due to the choice of reference phase and amplitude are discussed.
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