Scoreboard Approach towards Products Ranking for e- Commerce Platforms

Online Product Ranking is complicated by conflicting attributes. To promote the e-commerce services, it is necessary to upgrade existing online shopping networks to benefit not only small buyers but also volume buyers. However, the ranking systems used in existing e-commerce system fail to address volume sellers and buyers requirements. Current systems such as eBay or Amazon don't satisfactorily support buyers who want to order a large number of product items from different sellers at the same time. Earlier a product was ranked on the basis of product rating and product recommendations which mainly takes into account ratings of the user on a product. Now the rating of a product is done via Online Social Rating Networks (SRNs), these ratings and recommendations of users in the market, collaborated with Product Ranking Algorithms like "Rainbow Product Ranking Algorithms" help in upgrading the e-commerce and providing the user with better and essential information about the product.
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