A passive fast driver reactor concept utilizing SP-100, TFE and VHTT technologies for low power space and terrestrial applications

A couple of small, innovatively packaged, low-power space power reactor concepts based on the HYSPOT (hybrid SP-100 thermionic) reactor are presented. They use the subsystem technologies being developed in the ongoing SP-100 GES (ground engineering system) TFE (thermionic fuel element) verification and the VHTT (very-high-temperature thermionic) programs. Major advantages of HYSPOT are high reliability, low technical risks and low development costs. Adoption of this concept also provides an opportunity to combine the best of the current space power programs and extend downward the power range of applications. Except for the fuel pellet in the thermionic zone, the reactor core can be operated below 1000 K. With minor modifications, the HYSPOT concept can be applied in terrestrial and Martian environments. >
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