Magmatectonic Zonation of Italy: A Tool to Understanding Mediterranean Geodynamics

The Cenozoic magmatic activity of Italy is characterized, from the Alps to the Aeolian Islands, by an abundance of SiO2-undersaturated potassic to ultra-potassic rock-types (leucite-phonolites, leucitites, kamafugites and lamproites). Rocks of sodic character, mainly sub-alkaline transitional and alkaline basaltic in composition plus some isolated lamprophyres, are situated along the western and southern side of the Tyrrhenian basin (Sardinia, Ustica, Sicily Channel, Etna) and eastward of it, within the Padan-AdriaticHyblean foreland (Veneto, la Queglia-Pietre Nere and Hyblean plateau). Although the sodic and potassic products belong to the same magmatotectonic domain, i.e. the Mediterranean “wide-rift system” and its shoulders, they have been attributed in the literature to contrasting geodynamic environments, one anorogenic and intra-plate, and the other orogenic and subduction-related (see Lustrino and Wilson, 2007 and references therein). There is widespread acceptance that the sodic magmatism is intra-plate in character, but in the case of the potassic suites there is no unanimity (Lustrino et al., 2011 and references therein). Models for the origin of the potassic rocks centre around the nature of the metasomatic components which might result from dehydration or decarbonation of a slab as it is subducted into the mantle or from the upwelling of deep mantle melts and/or fluids associated with hot spots/plumes. Some papers address the problem from a geochemical point of view comparing the radiogenic isotopic signatures, especially Sr, Nd and Pb, with the composition of well-known, world-wide, mantle components (Bell et al., 2006 among many others). Another category of papers address the problem from a tectonic-structural point of view, discussing the geological and seismological proof for or against subduction (Lavecchia and Creati, 2006 and references therein). Here, we provide an overview of the Paleocene to Present Italian igneous rocks in relationship to their tectonic setting at the time of their emplacement, and then evaluate possible alternative geodynamic scenarios for their origin, mainly based on integrated geophysical/geological and geochemical parameters.
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