Enhancement of steady-state bosonic squeezing and entanglement in a dissipative optomechanical system.

We systematically study the influence of amplitude modulation on the steady-state bosonic squeezing and entanglement in a dissipative three-mode optomechanical system, where a vibrational mode of the membrane is coupled to the left and right cavity modes via the radiation pressure. Numerical simulation results show that the steady-state bosonic squeezing and entanglement can be significantly enhanced by periodically modulated external laser driving either or both ends of the cavity. Remarkably, the fact that as long as one periodically modulated external laser driving either end of the cavities is sufficient to enhance the squeezing and entanglement is convenient for actual experiment, whose cost is that required modulation period number for achieving system stability is more. In addition, we numerically confirm the analytical prediction for optimal modulation frequency and discuss the corresponding physical mechanism.
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