Celebraçôes do olhar no estùdio e na cidade : A educacao do olhar

In Celebracoes do Olhar no Est´udio e na Cidade (Celebrations of Different Looks in Studios and Cities), Laura Coutinho writes about television images. She portraits them as images and sounds that go on in time and in space, in screens and in cities. They do it within the program time set by the studios installed in TV stations, within the TV watchers' present time, even when it means only some minutes. On television, time is afflictive, and leads to forgetfulness. The images that build up the narrative present on television hide some others. Maybe because they are the translation of a struggle between the visible things and the things that will never be seen, or a game between people who see and people who want to be seen, there is a sense of loss, pulsating in the images portrayed on the screens. Laura reminds us that conceptions of the world are strongly influenced by the imagetic representation of it, especially by images diffused by TV. So, maybe it is not an exaggeration to say that television is the means by which our planet has become more visible. Nevertheless, while television offers fantastic images to be remembered, it also makes us forget to look ar the world itself. It is the main producer of images provided nonstop, by means of narrative structures technically elaborated to represent different kinds of reality. The text shows that reality and fiction mingle together on TV, in the same narrative profusion.
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