Dynamic Mobility Applications Analysis: Policy and Institutional Issues for Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal System (MMITSS)

The Connected Vehicle Mobility Policy team developed this report to document policy considerations for the Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal System, or MMITSS. MMITSS comprises a “bundle” of dynamic mobility applications (DMA) that leverage existing and new connected vehicle data sets to optimize traffic signal timing for safety, emergency response, and improved mobility. The analysis is based on the policy team’s review of a wide range of materials that include: (1) The MMITSS program’s Concept of Operations (ConOps), Stakeholder Input Report, and System Design and Requirements documents. (2) The Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture (CVRIA) diagrams for MMITSS. (3) Discussions with the technical team overseeing development of the prototype applications within the MMITSS bundle and a review of the prototype documents. (4) Industry best practices and standards in information technology, security and privacy, and data exchange.
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