P02-314 - Temperament and character in outpatients with Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa

Objectives The aim of this study is to assess the personality traits in a sample of Spanish anorexic and bulimic outpatients. Method The revised version of the Temperament and Character Inventory was administered to 76 women attended in an Eating Disorders Unit and to 46 healthy controls. Both groups were matched by gender, age and instruction. Results Diagnoses in the sample were distributed as follows: bulimia nervosa (BN) 33, binging-purging type anorexia nervosa (BPAN) 23 and restricting anorexia nervosa (RAN) 18. RAN patients were significantly younger (21.6 vs. 26.3 p RAN BPAN BN C p Novelty seeking 89.3 97.3 99.6 97.4 0.15 n. s. Harm avoidance 116.1 118.3 118 104.4 0.002 BPAN, BN > C Reward dependence 112.5 111.7 103.7 110.5 0.12 n. s. Persistence 120.7 113.7 108.4 102.9 0.005 RAN > C Selfdirectedness 125.5 120.8 117 149.5 C > RAN, BPAN, BN Cooperativeness 141.4 145.9 138.3 142.9 0.34 n. s. Selftranscendence 63.8 67.2 66.9 59.5 0.17 n. s. [Results] Conclusions In concordance with previous reports, compared with healthy controls, patients show lower scores in self-directedness. Persistence seems to be associated with restricting behaviours, whereas harm avoidance with binging and purging. RAN trends to have low scores in novelty seeking items and BN shows lower reward dependence, but this differences are not statistically significant, perhaps because of sample size.
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