Proceeding Internasional Seminar:STRENGTHENINGISLAM RAHMATAN LIL ‘ALAMIN World Peace and Welfare

For the last few decades, Islam globally has been attributed to a negative and pejorative image. Vandalism, anarchy, intolerance and social conflicts demonstrated by moslems in some countries has contributed to the building of such an image. Middle East Islamic countries are experiencing political and social unrest leading to destruction of a number of aspects of people’s lives. At the same time radical Islamic movements in some countries have their confidence declaring Islamic state and opposing the nation state through violence endangering all citizens. Ironically, these actions are claimed to have support from the holy book and the Prophet’s tradition. This situation is worsened by adverse economic condition amongst Moslem in those countries. The underdeveloped condition of their economy has resulted in poverty, low level of education, crime, and cultural backwardness. This has pushed these countries to exercise high dependency on assistance –which is believed to have hidden agendafrom developed ones in monetary, education and politics. The dependency seems to be continuously maintained by those developed countries bringing about various Islamic movements ranging from ones welcoming modern changes to ones that are anarchist practicing fundamentalism. The aforementioned inhuman actions are believed to deviate from the concept of Islam as mercy for all creation which promotes peace, high appreciation of knowledge, and people’s wellbeing. The anarchist, radical and destructive Islamic movements have impelled Moslem scholars to build a more practical framework in articulating the concept of mercy for all creation. As Islamic higher education institution, STAIN Pekalongan (Postgraduate Program) finds it necessary to explore the concept and strategies of implementation in a form of an International Seminar. What is the essence of Islam Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamain and how can it be implemented in different contexts? Where there is a claim by radical ones that they are implementing the concept, this has to be untrue. Principally, Islam Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin is one that never goes against the teachings of al-Qur’an and the Prophet’s tradition, the lives of prophet’s companions, and the pious ones who uphold such principles as interposition (tawasshuth), moderation (i’tidal ), balance between rationality and textual meaning (tawazun), tolerance (tasamuh), and cooperation (ta’awun). It becomes clear that violence and anarchist actions are far from the concept of Islam as mercy for all creation. The concept on the contrary is supportive for the building of peace, welfare and compassionfor all. At conceptual level, Islam Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin invites numerous interpretations that result in different forms of implementation. To this end that this International Seminar is expected to achieve.
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