Registration of ‘ICGV 87160’ Peanut

fastigiata var. vulgaris) cultivar (Reg. no. CV-47, PI 478787) was released in 1990 by the Central Sub-Committee on Crop Standards, Notification, and Release of Varieties, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, for rainy-season cultivation in peninsular India where rust (Puccinia arachidis Speg.) and late leafspot [Phaeoisariopsispersonata (Berk. & H.A. Curtis) Arx] are serious problems. ICGV 87160 was tested extensively in India under the designation ICG(FDRS) 10. It has produced an average of 53% higher pod yield than the control 'JL 24', based on 22 trials conducted at 15 locations during 1983 to 1986 in India. The average pod yield of ICGV 87160 in these trials was 2600 kg ha-1. It has also outyielded other popular Indian cultivars such as TMV 2 by 36%, J 11 by 22%, and Kadiri 3 by 9%. It also showed pod yield superiority over local cultivars in Bangladesh (69% over Dacca 1), Myanmar (20% over Japanese Small), Sri Lanka (100% over Local), Thailand (19% over Tainan 9), the Philippines (67% over BPI Pn-9), and Niger
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