Acoustic/Seismic Ground Sensors for Detection, Localization and Classification on the Battlefield

Abstract : The purpose of this paper is to present different acoustic and/or seismic systems designed and tested by Thales Underwater Systems (TUS) in the past few years, in order to detect, localize and classify a large panel of targets on the battlefield. The presented systems address mainly weapon fire detection and localisation, wheeled and tracked vehicles detection/localisation/tracking and aircraft (helicopters, drones) detection, localisation and classification. Depending on the application requirements, they include either stand-alone acoustic/seismic sensor, or networks of acoustic sensors. Firstly, TUS background is recalled, then drawbacks and advantages of acoustic and seismic system are briefly discussed. Some equipment dedicated to different kinds of battlefield target are then described in terms of operational requirement and implied design drivers for stand alone sensors and, when appropriate, for network architectures of unattended ground sensors. The principles of the signal and data processing implemented are outlined. All processing schemes used in Thales Underwater Systems build upon the synergy between Anti-Submarine Warfare and in-air acoustics, and are consistently focused on reliable automatic false alarm control. Actual implementations of this approach in Thales products and demonstrators are presented as well as some experimental results obtained during different ground tests or operational assessment trials: BACH & BARRE for helicopters, drones and blade propelled aircraft, VEGA/ACSIS devices deployed in UGS-TG25 NATO trials for light/heavy wheeled/tracked vehicles, and BACCARA/SL2A for artillery guns (105-155mm), tank guns (105-120mm) and mortars (60-81-120mm). This paper concludes on the means to build upon these target-focused devices for providing an integrated multi-targets acoustic/seismic remote sensor for passive battlefield monitoring.
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